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2021 Mobility in Review

Published on
Dec 22, 2021

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A look back at 2021 and some interesting mobility statistics! In 2021, we improved the mobility strategy of 10+leading companies and ended the year with 4300+ employees analyzed on ourplatform across Belgium and France.

🚗 The car represents 75% of modal shares, public transport 17% and bike 8%.
🌍 Everyday, studied employees travel 149,000 km back and forth to work. This is ~3,7x the distance around the Earth.
🚵 The average home-work distance is 26 km. Yet, 21% of car-drivers live less than 10km away from work. For the same distance, riders take ~30 min with an e-bike (and are happier!).
💨 These journeys emit 26 tCO2e everyday, equivalent to 2 tCO2e/employee per year. In comparison, the IPCC calculated that total emissions per person should not exceed 2 tCO2e per year in order to keep global warming below 2°C .
💻 Emissions per capita approach a Pareto distribution: 20% of employees emit >50% of total CO2 emissions. Partial remote working can be a solution to mechanically decrease mobility emissions for all.