Public Transport Subscriptions

Centralise the public transport subscriptions in one place. Let employees order their own subscriptions and receive one monthly invoice through the third party payer agreement. Easy, right?

All public transport, one stop.

Eliminate reimbursement administration while saving money by allowing your employees to order subscriptions themselves on our platform.

Up to 26% cheaper than separately purchased subscriptions.

Let employees order subscriptions themselves. Less workload.

Receive 1 monthly invoice. Avoid reimbursement administration.

Use third party payer agreements

Allow your employees to be reimbursed at least 71,8% of their subscription while saving 7,5% of the total cost.

Gracious offboarding

When an employee on the third party payer agreement leaves the company, their public transportation subscription is deactivated. You will receive a partial reimbursement.


Every question has an answer. Can't find the answer to your question? Let us know!

What is the third-party payer agreement?

The third-party payer agreement is a system where employers cover the public transportation costs of their employees directly. Instead of employees purchasing tickets and seeking reimbursement, the employer pays the transport operator on behalf of the employee. When using this system, the government pays for part of the subscription.

What happens if an employee leaves the company?

If the subscription was ordered through Mbrella, it will be deactivated by Mbrella. You will receive a partial reimbursement linked to the remaining duration of the subscription.

Which public transport services does this work with?

We offer an easy management of subscriptions for NMBS-SNCB, STIB-MIVB, De Lijn and TEC.