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Flexible mobility plans free for SMEs with HR start-up Mbrella

Published on
Oct 18, 2021
Audrey Stampaert

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Brussels, 19 October 2021 - Mbrella, the HR platform for flexible mobility solutions, is free to use for all companies up to 250 employees from today. The start-up wants to remove any barriers for SMEs to offer their employees flexible mobility plans. Four payroll administrators or ‘social secretaries’ join the partnership from the get-go and show their commitment to HR innovation. “A flexible mobility policy is not just for the major corporations.”

  • Flexible mobility for employees increasingly essential post-COVID
  • HR platform Mbrella free to use for SMEs up to 250 employees
  • Partena, Securex, Acerta and Attentia integrate Mbrella into their offering
  • A wide range of mobility options in one platform, available in a few clicks
  • Integration with social secretaries means no hassle for HR divisions
Mbrella team
Mbrella team, from left to right: Amaury Gerard(Chief Executive Officer), David Nguyen (Chief Technology Officer), Quinten Vandermeulen (Head of Product), Audrey Stampaert (Partnership Manager)

Mbrella’s free platform gives smaller enterprises the opportunity to offer mobility plans to their employees that are just as comprehensive as those of large corporations. This was often impossible until now, because similar platforms tend to charge a monthly fee per employee, making it unfeasible for many SMEs. Mbrella, on the other hand, is now free up to 250 employees per company.

“SMEs are often unable to offer their employees truly comprehensive mobility solutions like bigger companies can – if they can offer any at all”, explains Mbrella CEO Amaury Gerard. “They often don’t have the financial power to lease company cars at economical prices, and alternative mobility plans are usually just as expensive and more complex in administration. This is a situation Mbrella wants to rectify.”

Flexible mobility, a necessity

New mobility solutions are becoming more and more essential in a changing work environment. With increased levels of home working, an ever-growing traffic issue and more concern for the climate, old solutions like the company car or train season tickets no longer correspond to the daily reality of most employees.

The Belgian government introduced the mobility budget in response to this new reality, but this legal framework is only available for employees who already qualified for a company car. This means that many SMEs and their employees are still missing out on viable mobility solutions.

The Mbrella platform enables companies to offer both the legal mobility budget framework and other, self-composed flexible mobility packages to all their employees as needed, regardless of company size, available budget or included mobility options. And with Mbrella, flexible mobility brings along no more administrative hassle than the trusty company car.

Integration with social secretaries for ultimate ease of use

Alongside the launch of their free model for SMEs, Mbrella is also pleased to announce partnerships with Partena, Securex, Acerta and Attentia. Thanks to the integration with Mbrella, these social secretaries can offer their clients a simple but comprehensive solution for compiling and executing a flexible mobility policy. The collaboration also means that employees can be remunerated for their mobility use directly through the payroll, making it optimally efficient for both HR divisions and the employees who will be using the new platform.

The social secretary partners are very pleased with the integration with Mbrella.

“Here at Securex, we play an advisory role in the setup of a mobility policy for our clients, now we are adding a platform to manage these policies”, explains Kristof Benoit, General Manager Employers & International at Securex. “This partnership allows us to give all our SME clients easy access to the mobility ecosystem.”

“A flexible mobility policy is not just for the major corporations”, concludes Mbrella CEO Gerard. “We want to lower the threshold, so that SMEs can also offer their employees attractive mobility benefits – and in doing so, contribute to a more liveable environment for everyone.”

About Mbrella

Mbrella is a digital HR platform aimed at offering flexible mobility plans to employees. The platform bundles all available mobility services and ensures automatic and correct payroll processing without any additional administrative hassle for the HR manager.

Mbrella is part of the start-up studio Lab Box. Together they are building a future of mobility by developing an ecosystem of innovative mobility solutions. This way, we make flexible mobility truly accessible. Mbrella is free to use for SMEs up to 250 employees.

Questions? Don’t hesitate to contact us
Contact FR
Amaury Gerard
0477 96 65 06

Contact NL
Audrey Stampaert
Partnership Manager
0475 51 27 63