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Mobility Budget
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Mobility budget for dummies 👩‍🏫

Published on
Jan 6, 2021
Quinten Vandermeulen

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teach me senpai
Photographer: NeONBRAND | Source: Unsplash

I first had no clue what the mobility budget was all about.

Then I discovered it's simpler than it looks.

Ditch your company car and you'll receive a budget that equals the cost of that car.

You can spend that budget across 3 pillars:

🚗 Pillar 1: Choose an electric car or a car that scores better than your current company car on CO2 emission, air pollutants and energy capacity

🚲 🚄 🚌 🏡 ... Pillar 2: Spend across any of the 100+ options such as housing rent or interests, any (e-)bike or scooter purchase, public transport, shared mobility, car rental (yay road trips!), carpooling,...

💶 Pillar 3: Receive the end-of-year leftover of your mobility budget in cash. No tax. Only a social contribution of 38%

1 company car vs 3 mobility pillars with 100+ spending options?

I'd know what to take.