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This was... Crossroads

Published on
Oct 10, 2024
Flore Depierre
Content Marketing Specialist

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Crossroads 2024 was Belgium’s n°1 event at the intersection of HR and mobility, held on 3 October. It brought together 150+ mobility experts, Fleet and HR managers, aiming to discover the latest innovations in the corporate mobility industry. The event also highlighted how mobility today goes beyond simply having a company car, electric or not.

With 4 keynotes and a few startups pitches, the event also aimed at raising awareness on the use of the car and the impact on our planet., In a society talking about reaching net zero in 2050 - or 2060 in some countries, still 75% of the daily travel we do in Belgium is by car. And according to Frank van Gool from FEBIAC, despite the low emission regulations the EU is setting up to reduce CO2 emissions (Green Deal, Fit for 55, tax imposition on non-electric fleets…) reaching 100% electric vehicles in the mobility sector alone will not be enough to bridge the gap to net-zero emissions.

Although there is currently a bit of a stagnation in the decisions to switch for EVs. As the Belgian government is pushing for fleet electrification - on a private and company level - before 2026, companies do not want to invest in an EV fleet until the current one falls apart knowing they still have until 2026 to decide whether they make the switch or ditch the car. Car users in Belgium also start to wonder if the switch is worth the investment, with cities becoming more and more car-free anyway.” said Frank.

Cities becoming more car-free, this means more bike users and pedestrians in the city. Although, by the time that we have much more people biking than driving, there is a rise of concern for safety. Luigi Vroman from VIAS Academy, shared numbers on road accidents and how efforts are made to decrease the number of death on the roads; Even though technically the objectif is to have 0 people killed on the road, today it is set at 323, which is still a much lower number than a couple of years ago said Luigi.

Cycling or walking to the office also has an impact on health an climate. Physical activity is good but with so many cars, exposition to air pollution and the risk of accidents is the downside of it. “If every Belgian took his bike and did just 2km everyday, we would have much less people dying on the road and less air pollution” he states.

It’s also in company’s interests to reduce the number of company cars and offer a more flexible mobility, knowing the social cost of road accident is very high. In 2022, 19% of accidents at work happened during their commute and 40% of these accidents happened during rush hour. That’s where flexible working hours and home-working come in handy.

Besides, working from home also allows for more flexibility, time gain, freedom, or autonomy for employees. In 2023, 36 millions kilometers were saved in Belgium thanks to home-working which represents a +285% rise compared to 2018 (source BeMob).

Nevertheless, 4 years after the very start of home-working, it is for some people a source of stress, overstimulation, and isolation, which can lead to burn-out or equivalent. But how come? Fiona Beenkens, founder of BetterAtHome explains how workspace can be the source of the problem and increase stress level; It has a big impact. We need to feel energized in them, and having a good workspace goes further from having a second screen and a desk. she said.

Our subconscious mind needs to know and feel in control of what is happening behind us. This is the part of our brain we need to play tricks on. Working in front of a wall, in cluttered spaces, or next to your bed are amongst the bad example. Although these can be tricked, by putting a room divider between your bed and your desk for example.

When it comes to stress, the issue in itself if therefore not home-working per se, but more our environment and going back 100% to the office is only going to solve the isolation factor. But then what is the solution, you ask? Balance with hybrid working. In 2022 57% of Belgians worked from home 1 to 2 days a week and 32% 3 to 4 days. Everyone has different needs when it comes to working environment, depending on everyone’s personalities. Going to the office remains important for socialising nevertheless home-working remains as important.

When a flower doesn’t bloom, you don’t change the flower, you change the environment quoted Fiona.

Just as finding the right balance in your workspace can significantly impact your productivity and well-being, optimising your mobility choices can also play a crucial role in enhancing both your professional and personal life. Sam Heymans from Lizy, emphasised the importance of sustainable and flexible solutions such as second-hand EV leasing, which align with the evolving needs of today’s workforce. Whether it’s a workspace that promotes focus or a vehicle that supports greener, more cost-effective commuting, the key is to invest in solutions that improve our daily experience.

In the last decade, electric vehicles have grown as fast (or faster than) TV and computer, and they are better than we thought. Today, cars will die before the battery. And yet, EV adoption is slowing down mainly due to their cost.

To improve cost-efficiency and performance, the automotive industry will move towards multi-life cycle leasing (re-usuable EV, affordable leasing, sustainable solution). Despite the high initial purchase price, there will be lower maintenant costs and longer durability. The EV of the future will be able to have a long-distance autonomy, and by being second-hand cars, it will improve its sustainability.

🗓️ See you at Crossroads 2025?